Publication’s Design Kickstarter
Brainstorm themes for your publication using moodboards and Pinterest to generate ideas.
Fisher Hall 206 | Wesley
Photo Journalism
Students learn the art of storytelling using photos and journalism ethics as their guide.
Fisher Hall 205 | Taylor-Johnston
Headlines and Captions
Students learn to create headlines and captions that stand out and inform.
Chan Shun 230 | Katz
Building the Right Team
Learn interactive life skills for leaders and editors.
Chan Shun Hall 229 | Wilson
Video 102
Students dive into video production getting hands-on experience with camera and sound equipment.
Fisher Hall 203 | de la Torre
Advisors Only
Learn how to guide students through the steps of publication workshop, especially with the new formats and technology. New advisors and seasoned professionals team up to form great ideas for advising.
Fisher Hall 256 | Mariano/Rankin-Brown