Publication’s Design Kickstarter

Students brainstorm themes for their publication using moodboards and Pinterest to help generate ideas.

Fisher Hall 206 | Wesley


Photography 101

Students learn the basics of photography that will make their photos look more than just basic.

Fisher Hall 205 | Kyle


Newswriting 101

Students learn how to use the inverted pyramid and other newswriting staples that give their audience accurate and informative stories.

Chan Shun 230 | Thew


Leadership 101

A PUC student leader will give Top 5 leadership hacks, showing students how to effectively communicate to their teams and their schools.

Chan Shun 229 | Miller


Video 101

Students dive into video production, getting hands-on experience with camera and sound equipment.

Fisher Hall203 | de la Torre


Advisors Only

Advisors learn how to guide students through the steps of publication workshop, especially with the new formats and technology. New advisors and seasoned professionals team up to form great ideas for advising.

Fisher Hall256 | Mariano/Rankin-Brown