Layout: Double Session
Student designers create a double-page grid, styles, boxes, and yearbook layout. Completed projects are eligible to win the on-site award for best layout.
Fisher Hall 224 & 110 | staff
Photo: Double Session
Students prove that their photos stand out and tell stories in a hands-on photo shoot competition. Completed projects are eligible to win the on-site award for best photo.
Photo Studio | staff
Writing: Double Session
Students will find out how to creatively cover school events and write a 350-word article about the publication workshop experience that the layout team will use. Completed projects are eligible to win the on-site award for writing. Requires collaboration with design/layout team. (Laptops recommended)
Fisher Hall 205 | Staff
Editors Forum I
Get the inside scoop from other editors and learn how to be an effective editor. (students only)
Chan Shun 230 | Grigore
Video Editing:
Double Session
Students learn video editing techniques, using Premier and Final Cut Pro, that magically turn boring footage into a film everyone will want to share. Completed projects are eligible to win the on-site award for best short video.
Fisher Hall202 | de la Torre